
What are you doing about Window Covering Safety Month?

April 8th will be a day I will never forget.  As I was giving birth to my precious baby, a precious little boy named Gavin was passing away from the cords on a window covering.  Gavin was almost 5 years old.

You can see how absolutely precious he was.

His favorite hero was superman.

Gavin’s family’s life will never be the same.  They will never get to hug him, kiss him, read to him, love him, play with him or dance with him until they meet in heaven.  A lifetime is a long time.   Gavin’s big sister is doing everything she can to teach her community about window covering safety.

Please take some time out and read the article from the Mill CreekView I have posted below.  McKenna, we are so proud of you!

This month is window covering safety month.  If you could just tell ONE person about how dangerous cords are or just send our website you have no idea how many lives you could effect.  Use this month to take down one window covering in your home that is dangerous.

Start with the kids room first!

For more information on how to tell which window covering in your home is dangerous please go to this link.

Click here to learn how safe YOUR window covering is!