
Remembering Cheyenne 11 Years later

Today we remember Cheyenne Rose Kaiser who lost her life from the inner cords of a window blind.























Cheyenne was the twin sister of Seth Kaiser, beloved younger sister of Madeleine Kaiser and older sister to Yahna and Sophia Kaiser.  She loved to play with her brother and sister.  She loved to swing

and play peekaboo.  She will forever be missed.

Cheyenne’s death started the first parent and consumer based Non-profit  for window covering cord safety in the world.  At the time of Cheyenne’s death there was no window covering safety organization putting statistics, support, and education together for consumers.  Ten and a half years ago Parents for Window Blind Safety was founded after learning that Cheyenne’s accident was more common that we thought. We thought Cheyenne’s death was a rare freak accident.   After researching we found it was a preventable epidemic with strangulations happening every 2 weeks.  Since PFWBS was founded, parents have been united from across the globe spreading a universal safety message.  Cords, Kill, Kids!

SCL 2016 website





















PFWBS has branched out from Canada all the way to Australia and soon will have a chapter in the United Kingdom.

If your a parent, come to our website and find out how safe your window coverings are.  If you are in the window covering industry, work in a hospital or daycare center, consider using our educational materials for your clients.



Linda Kaiser
Mother of Cheyenne Rose
Founder of Parents for Window Blind Safety